on growing pains

There’s a blog post in my drafts that was meant to be here, in place of what you’re reading right now, one I spent the better part of October writing. I started working on a version of it right after the Russell Brand story broke and I’d watched the BBC documentary. I don’t want to… Continue reading on growing pains

Categorized as Life, Music

talking about writing

Postpartum has been a different kind of beast than I’ve ever had to deal with and more or less the main reason behind the radio silence around these quarters. It’s not that I don’t feel like writing – quite the opposite, really; I’m pregnant with ideas (haha NOT funny) and I find myself aching to… Continue reading talking about writing

Categorized as Life, Writing

sitting with the owl

You know how the old adage goes: high highs lead to low lows. I’d been experiencing a semester of impressive clarity and ease, hitting productivity goals, being creative again, having fun with friends and allowing myself some vulnerability. “Tomorrow is not promised”, I annoyingly mused over drinks to people who’ve known me for more than… Continue reading sitting with the owl

Categorized as Life

on not wanting to be queen of trash mountain (and other stories)

Reviving this blog was the byproduct of my breakup with Twitter – the digital equivalent of being in a toxic relationship and doing the whole “I just need to rip off the bandage” spiel for years (thirteen, in my case) and then being torn apart via force majeure, like someone having to bounce to study… Continue reading on not wanting to be queen of trash mountain (and other stories)

Categorized as Life, Tech

how to disappear completely

All it takes is a global pandemic and a master’s degree. Also, a wise person once said “give people the gift of missing you”, so to the brave who still watch this space, I guess you’re welcome. Anyway, I’m back and vaccinated, so gather round, children, it’s time to unpack this mess. Let’s get the… Continue reading how to disappear completely

Categorized as Life

hello stranger

It’s been a while. At this point, everyone’s unfamiliar to me. Life has become exponentially bleaker since we last talked. I’m sad and mad and exhausted and disillusioned, which is not a good sign, because that’s when you usually stop caring, and I want to care. But it’s taking a ton of effort these days.… Continue reading hello stranger

Categorized as Life